Flatland: A Rhytmic Adventure


420 × 140 mm
Limited edition of 50 numbered copies.
DELLI, 2020

SKU: 30412 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

This project is the result of a Q A about the creation and organisation of the visual field in an abstract composition, through some principles of color theory.
The abstract composition is revealed using three layers of colours, presented sequentially through silkscreen processes and technics.


Delli (Design Lusófona Lisboa) EN
Is a design department that critically challenges a discipline in profound transitions, exploring a variety of pedagogical models. Working as a continuous workshop with a network of leading professionals, researchers and educators, Delli aims to expand the design discipline in collaboration with our research centre, as well as local and international partners. These works result from the design experiences of DELLI students.

Delli (Design Lusófona Lisboa) PT
É um projeto de design que desafia criticamente uma disciplina em profundas transições, explorando diferentes modelos pedagógicos. No trabalho em workshop contínuo entre profissionais, investigadores e professores de referência, o Delli pretende expandir a disciplina do design, em colaboração com o nosso centro de investigação, assim como com os nossos parceiros locais e internacionais. Estes trabalhos resultam das experiências de design dos alunos do DELLI.