Livro de pinturas II – Martinho Costa


210 × 150 mm
190 pages

Printed on Arcoprint Milk 120 gr paper
Debossed hardcover
All books are numbered and signed by the artist
Limited edition of 100 books.

ISBN 978-989-99816-3-8
Stolen Books // Published November 2017

SKU: 8347 Category: Tags: ,

Martinho’s second paintings book mimics the original book series the artist developed daily.
With six books simultaneously opened in the studio, Martinho painted with oil on a different book each day, letting the paint dry during the rest of the time and starting all over again the following week.
This is the second of six books of that series.


Martinho Costa EN
Born in Fatima, 1977. Lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal.
Graduated in Plastic Arts – Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon in 2002.
In 2003 completed a Masters in Teoria y Prática de las Artes Plásticas Contemporâneas in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
In September 2012 was an artist in residence at CeRCCa, Centre de Recerca i Creacio Casamarles, Barcelona, with the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation.
His work is mainly painting, video-animation, and recently interventions in the public space, trying to reflect on how the images that surround us are incorporated in those artistic media. This transformation process on objects of the present occurs on an investigation of the history of painting. Trying to update the major themes and genres in the tradition of painting.

Martinho Costa PT
Nascido em Fátima, 1977. Vive e trabalha em Lisboa, Portugal.
Licenciado em Artes Plásticas – Pintura pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa, em 2002.
Em 2003 concluiu um Mestrado em Teoria y Prática de las Artes Plásticas Contemporâneas na Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Em Setembro de 2012 foi artista em residência no CeRCCa, Centre de Recerca i Creacio Casamarles, Barcelona, com o apoio da Fundação Gulbenkian.
O seu trabalho é principalmente pintura, videoanimação, e recentemente intervenções no espaço público, tentando reflectir sobre como as imagens que nos rodeiam são incorporadas nesses meios artísticos. Este processo de transformação sobre objectos do presente ocorre numa investigação sobre a história
da pintura. Tentando actualizar os principais temas e géneros da tradição da pintura.