Solin Sala Ra – Manuel Donada


245 × 310 mm, 96 pages

Stolen Books // Published in november 2019

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It is not talking about the origin of this book, because this book, infinite, varied, diverse, always similar and always different, perpetual and changing, has existed from all eternity. Nothing has been discovered, everything has been found. But in the heart of this artifact everything changes, everything is transformed, everything evolves. These pages have not existed at any time or any place, the message itself has an origin and the magic emanating from each of its pages can never be trained.

At this point, there is nothing to do. It would be lovely to wait for the revolution of an admirable science.

This book is dedicated, in part, to all those punks of sectarian mentality and false morals, those who feed the annihilation of the individual and those who are part of a camouflaged class, who die of fear and grief with the idea of being isolated. To all those who do not violently reject the supporters of an absurd and pestilent elite.
To the loose dogs of abstract camaraderie that obstructs the spiritual, individual and cosmic revolution. To the victims of the revolution block, accomplices of permanent repression, duck-faced corpses and wild manners, all obstacles of the universal protest.


Manuel Donada EN
Was born in Barcelona but raised in Madrid. He loves classic cartoons and old marvel comics.
Music is very important in his life, too. “I hate tea, mint and eggplant. I suffer from Thalassophobia.” Manuel has quitted school at a very young age. He studied classic animation for a few years but also quitted. It was boring.
“I worked for Cartoon Network but… guess what happened? I quit. Until today, I have been drawing along the way, whenever, wherever, trying to follow my own rhythm.” Drawing is Manuel’s hobby.
Interview by Poupetta to Manuel Donada

Manuel Donada PT
Nasceu em Barcelona, mas foi criado em Madrid. Adora os desenhos animados clássicos e os antigos desenhos animados maravilhosos. A música também é muito importante na sua vida. “Odeio chá, menta e beringela. Eu sofro de talassofobia”. Manuel abandonou a escola ainda muito novo. Estudou animação clássica durante alguns anos, mas também abandonou a escola. Era aborrecido.
“Trabalhei para a Cartoon Network, mas… adivinha o que aconteceu? Eu desisti. Até hoje, tenho desenhado pelo caminho, sempre, onde quer que seja, a tentar seguir o meu próprio ritmo”. Desenhar é o passatempo de Manuel.
Entrevista de Poupetta a Manuel Donada