The Swimmer – Klaus Kremmerz


170 × 240 mm
24 pages board book

ISBN 978-989-54176-3-6
Stolen Books // Published September 2018

SKU: 8543 Category: Tags: ,

A “masterpiece” Klaus has always been in love with, the narrative of The Swimmer was Klaus’ first thought when Portuguese publishers Stolen Books asked him to make his own book. “It’s an intense story,” the illustrator tells It’s Nice That of the short, originally published in The New Yorker before being adapted into a film in 1968. In discussing an individual’s dependence on alcoholism, “of which the protagonist is a victim,” The Swimmer’s storyline gradually takes a darker and darker turn which in Klaus’ words is “poignant and dramatic, but at the same time fresh and full of vitality.” — It’s Nice That

Klaus Kremmerz
German artist living in Hamburg, he travels frequently between Milan, Hamburg and New York City. His conceptual illustrations of felt tip and surreal elements feel cinematic and full of narrative. Klaus enjoys drawing a range of environments from the natural to the metropolitan and always captures a sense of scale in his work, playing with perspectives to surprise the viewer, and through colour, compositions, characters, and shadows.
His clients include The New Yorker, Elephant magazine, WeTransfer, Die Zeit, Monocle and The New York Times.