Face drawings done in live drawing sessions and that more than one approach to the portrait, depart from physionomy to pure plasticity of formal games. These heads (thinking about each other) are here accompanied by plant drawings that abstract and reinvent an imaginary botany. Abstract plants as thought? Here, opening the possibility of a connection between the mind and the traditional ornamental vocation of plants, perhaps it is above all to emphasize the very plasticity of thought. João Silverio writes regarding the purpose of Olaio’s work, they «… are always works whose contents are in transit, and so continue. In addition to conducting these formal games, being “in transit” can be a way to synthesize the very work of this artist in the way it faces the nomadic nature of conceptual games.»
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Young People Thinking About Each Other – António Olaio
38 €
210 × 150 mm, hardcover
120 pages, printed on Arcoprint Milk 120 gr paper
All books are numbered and signed by the artist
Limited edition of 50 books.
ISBN 978-989-99538-3-3
Stolen Books // Published June 2016