Feeding on Light — Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky


  • softcover
  • removable jacket
  • 130 x 200 mm
  • 416 pages
  • ISBN: 978-94-6446-046-9

Published by Roma Publications

SKU: 36178 Category: Tags: ,

(From ideabooks.nl)

Imagine a collection of perforated leaves in which organisms like insects, fungi, or bacteria existing in the foliage have created an array of patterns. Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky’s ‘Feeding on Light’ examines photosynthesis through experimental photography. Bringing the outdoors into her analogue colour darkroom, the artist captures the traces of the often symbiotic relationships observed between trees, insects, and the sun. The book takes the form of a field guide, with an extensive index of common and scientific plant names linking the hundreds of photograms, contact prints, and negative prints. Essays contextualise her work through biology, ecology, and philosophy.