Pele e Pedra – Ana Rito


125×210 mm
112 pages, popset (storm grey) 240g cover.
Edition of 400 books.

ISBN 978-989-99816-9-0
Stolen Books Câmara Municipal de Elvas // Published December 2017

SKU: 8319 Category: Tags: , ,

Texts by Isabel Nogueira, João Silvério, Ana Rito (PT/EN)

Ana Rito investigates the presence of the body and the image. And when attentive to the perception modes and a sense of permanence, she also researches the relationships established over time and space. The reference of the title to skin and stone invokes the succession of strata and the density that makes up the matter, but also the way the artist approaches her work.

In these works, the human figure is predominantly alone and in tension. The action arises from a relationship with the environment and with the objects that populate it, often reported to the body. And the way light shifts reinforces the expressiveness of matter, which is already accentuated.